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Running LIIT

LIIT is light intensity interval training.

Find a circular place to run, like a running track, field, backyard. This loop should not be more than the size of a football field.

If you are running on a football field sized loop, do this routine:

  • 2 laps jogging (warm-up)

  • 1/2 lap sprint

  • 1/2 lap slow (go as slow as you want, even walk, until you catch your breath, but once you finish the 1/2 lap you have to sprint again)

  • 1/2 lap sprint

  • 1/2 lap slow (go as slow as you want, even walk, until you catch your breath, but once you finish the 1/2 lap you have to sprint again)

  • 1/2 lap sprint

  • 1/2 lap slow (go as slow as you want, even walk, until you catch your breath, but once you finish the 1/2 lap you have to sprint again)

  • 1/2 lap sprint

  • 1/2 lap slow (go as slow as you want, even walk, until you catch your breath, but once you finish the 1/2 lap you have to sprint again)

  • 1 full lap as fast as you can run

  • 2 laps jogging/cool down

If you are running on a smaller sized loop, do this routine:

  • 4 laps jogging (warm-up)

  • 1 lap sprint

  • 1 lap slow (go as slow as you want, even walk, until you catch your breath, but once you finish the 1/2 lap you have to sprint again)

  • 1 lap sprint

  • 1 lap slow (go as slow as you want, even walk, until you catch your breath, but once you finish the 1/2 lap you have to sprint again)

  • 1 lap sprint

  • 1 lap slow (go as slow as you want, even walk, until you catch your breath, but once you finish the 1/2 lap you have to sprint again)

  • 1 lap sprint

  • 1 lap slow (go as slow as you want, even walk, until you catch your breath, but once you finish the 1/2 lap you have to sprint again)

  • 2 full laps as fast as you can run

  • 4 laps jogging/cool down

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